Doorgeefluik maken

Doorgeefluik Maken: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Build a Pass Register

Are you looking for a way to create a pass register to keep track of visitors in your workplace or home? Then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of constructing a passthrough register, also known as a doorgeefluik in Dutch, using simple materials.

What is a Door Geef Luik?

A doorgeefluik is a Dutch term that refers to a device that is installed to allow the transfer of items from one space to another. It is commonly used in workplaces, hospitals, and other public facilities to create an easy and safe way to pass documents, products, and any other necessary item without the need to open a door.

To understand how to make a doorgeefluik, you need to know the exact process of building one. So, let’s dive in.

Materials Required

To build a doorgeefluik, you will need:

– A tape measure
– A pencil
– A saw
– A drill
– A screwdriver
– A level
– Heavy Duty Glue
– Safety goggles
– A safety mask
– 2 MDF or plywood sheets (size depending on the space for the opening space)

The Steps Involved in Making a Door Geef Luik

Step 1: Measuring

The first step in creating a doorgeefluik is to take the precise measurement of the doorway. Measure the inner width and height of the door, floor to ceiling, to obtain the exact measurements. It is crucial to ensure that the measurements are correct so that the device will fit perfectly when the door is shut.

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Step 2: Building the Frame

After getting the correct measurement, you need to build the frame of the pass register. You can use MDF or plywood sheets to build the frame. Cut the MDF or plywood sheets to the size of the opening using a saw.

Make a rectangular hole on the MDF or plywood sheet to create a space for the pass register.

Step 3: Fixing the Frame

Use a level to ensure that the frame is levelled perfectly vertically. After confirming the levelness, it’s time to fix the frame to the wall. Firstly Use a drill to create pilot holes for the screws and then fasten the frame with screws. Screws are better than nails because they are stronger and will provide more support.

Step 4: Creating the Pass Register

Before attaching the pass register, you need to create a mechanism for it to slide effortlessly. You can do this by attaching rollers to the top of the frame or on both sides of the frame.

Now, attach the heavy-duty glue to the bottom of the frame to create a resting area for the pass register.

Step 5: Finishing

After you’ve created a resting area, attach the pass register and ensure that it matches the size and shape of the hole precisely. Finally, paint the doorgeefluik to match the colour of your wall for an attractive finish.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Door Geef Luik?

A doorgeefluik is Dutch for a pass-through register installed in doors to facilitate the transfer of items between spaces.

2. What materials are needed to build a Door Geef Luik?

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To build a doorgeefluik, you will need a tape measure, saw, drill, screwdriver, safety goggles, safety mask, MDF or plywood sheets, heavy-duty glue, and a level.

3. Can I customize the size of my Door Geef Luik?

Yes, you can customize the size of your doorgeefluik to fit different doorways.

4. Is it expensive to build a Door Geef Luik?

No, it’s relatively inexpensive to build a doorgeefluik. You only need to acquire the materials required and follow the steps mentioned above.

In conclusion, building a doorgeefluik is a simple and inexpensive way to create a pass register in your workplace or home. With the required materials and steps highlighted above, you can have your doorgeefluik up and running within a short time.