Digitale meter pas verplicht in 2023: thuisbatterijpremie verlaagt

Digitale meter pas verplicht in 2023: thuisbatterijpremie verlaagt

In 2019, the Flemish government decided to implement digital meters in all households in the region. However, this policy has seen some opposition from citizens who feel that the installation of these meters is unnecessary and might increase their energy bills. Despite these concerns, the Flemish government has decided to postpone the compulsory installation of digital meters to 2023. In this article, we will discuss the implications of this decision and its impact on the thuisbatterijpremie.


The Flemish government’s decision to delay the compulsory installation of digital meters has come as a relief to many citizens who were concerned about the potential negative impact on their energy bills. The announcement was made in response to the opposition and concerns raised by various stakeholders, including households, environmental groups, and some politicians. This article explores the details of this decision and how this will affect the thuisbatterijpremie.

What are digital meters?

Digital meters are advanced energy measurement devices that replace traditional analog meters. They allow for more accurate measurement of energy consumption and production as they measure energy usage in real-time. Unlike analog meters, digital meters are also capable of sending energy usage data to the energy providers automatically, therefore eliminating the need for manual meter readings.

Why the Flemish Government Decided to Implement Digital Meters?

The Flemish government’s decision to implement digital meters was based on the need to modernize the energy grid and improve energy efficiency in households. This policy was seen as an essential step towards the promotion of renewable energy sources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The digital meters were also intended to help households control their energy consumption better and reduce their energy bills.

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Opposition to Digital Meters

Despite the Flemish government’s objective to promote energy efficiency, the installation of compulsory digital meters met opposition from various stakeholders. The most common concern was the potential for an increase in energy bills due to the implementation of the new meters. The opponents argued that the digital meters would be more complicated to understand and may even be prone to errors, leading to higher bills for households.

Postponement of Mandatory Metering

In response to the opposition, the Flemish government postponed the compulsory installation of digital meters. The government stated that it was taking into account the concerns raised by households and the reaction to the process of installing and using the digital meters. The new deadline for the mandatory installation of digital meters is now January 1, 2023.

Impact on Thuisbatterijpremie

The Thuisbatterijpremie is a subsidy provided by the Flemish government to encourage households to install a home battery or thuisbatterij. The subsidy was introduced in 2019 and was designed to provide financial support to households that invested in renewable energy storage solutions. The government announced a revision to the subsidy program following the postponement of the mandatory installation of digital meters. The subsidy for a thuisbatterij will now be reduced from €250/kW to €200/kW, and it will be applicable only from January 2022 to December 2022.


1. How will the postponement of mandatory digital meters affect my energy bills?
The impact of the postponement is uncertain at this stage. However, it is expected that households will benefit from the delay. The postponement will also give households additional time to prepare for the installation of digital meters.

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2. How will the reduction in the Thuisbatterijpremie affect my decision to purchase a home battery?
The reduction in the Thuisbatterijpremie is intended to mitigate the additional costs of mandatory digital metering. However, it is still a significant enough subsidy to encourage households to invest in renewable energy storage solutions.

3. What is the expected timeline for the mandatory installation of digital meters?
The new deadline for the mandatory installation of digital meters is now January 1, 2023.

4. Can I still qualify for the Thuisbatterijpremie in 2023?
The Thuisbatterijpremie will only be applicable from January 2022 to December 2022.

5. Can I opt-out of mandatory digital metering?
No, the postponement does not affect the implementation of mandatory digital metering; households will still need to install the meters by January 1, 2023.


The Flemish government’s decision to postpone the compulsory installation of digital meters for households to 2023 has come as a relief to many. The installation of these meters was met with opposition from various stakeholders, mainly due to concerns of a potential increase in energy bills. The decision has also led to a revision of the Thuisbatterijpremie, which will now be reduced. However, the incentive is still significant to promote the installation of renewable energy storage solutions. Overall, the postponement provides households with extra time to prepare for the installation of digital meters while mitigating any potential negative impacts on energy bills.